The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v1.12 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.
Dapr Python SDK integration with FastAPI
How to create Dapr Python virtual actors and pubsub with the FastAPI extension
The Dapr Python SDK provides integration with FastAPI using the dapr-ext-fastapi
You can download and install the Dapr FastAPI extension with:
pip install dapr-ext-fastapi
The development package will contain features and behavior that will be compatible with the pre-release version of the Dapr runtime. Make sure to uninstall any stable versions of the Python SDK extension before installing the <code>dapr-dev</code> package.
pip install dapr-ext-fastapi-dev
Subscribing to events of different types
import uvicorn
from fastapi import Body, FastAPI
from dapr.ext.fastapi import DaprApp
from pydantic import BaseModel
class RawEventModel(BaseModel):
body: str
class User(BaseModel):
id: int
name = 'Jane Doe'
class CloudEventModel(BaseModel):
data: User
datacontenttype: str
id: str
pubsubname: str
source: str
specversion: str
topic: str
traceid: str
traceparent: str
tracestate: str
type: str
app = FastAPI()
dapr_app = DaprApp(app)
# Allow handling event with any structure (Easiest, but least robust)
# dapr publish --publish-app-id sample --topic any_topic --pubsub pubsub --data '{"id":"7", "desc": "good", "size":"small"}'
@dapr_app.subscribe(pubsub='pubsub', topic='any_topic')
def any_event_handler(event_data = Body()):
# For robustness choose one of the below based on if publisher is using CloudEvents
# Handle events sent with CloudEvents
# dapr publish --publish-app-id sample --topic cloud_topic --pubsub pubsub --data '{"id":"7", "name":"Bob Jones"}'
@dapr_app.subscribe(pubsub='pubsub', topic='cloud_topic')
def cloud_event_handler(event_data: CloudEventModel):
# Handle raw events sent without CloudEvents
# curl -X "POST" http://localhost:3500/v1.0/publish/pubsub/raw_topic?metadata.rawPayload=true -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"body": "345"}'
@dapr_app.subscribe(pubsub='pubsub', topic='raw_topic')
def raw_event_handler(event_data: RawEventModel):
if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=30212)
Creating an actor
from fastapi import FastAPI
from dapr.ext.fastapi import DaprActor
from demo_actor import DemoActor
app = FastAPI(title=f'{DemoActor.__name__}Service')
# Add Dapr Actor Extension
actor = DaprActor(app)
async def startup_event():
# Register DemoActor
await actor.register_actor(DemoActor)
def get_my_data():
return "{'message': 'myData'}"
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